Women’s Department


Supervisor Jacquelyn Lindsey Wynn

Jacquelyn is a licensed evangelist, served as a District Missionary, and nationally appointed Assistant Supervisor.  In November of 2021, she was elevated to Supervisor of the Department of Women (DOW), Rhode Island Jurisdiction. Having a heart for the people, she encourages her sisters of the RIJDOW, to continue “Extending God’s Grace Through Service.”   A native of Norfolk, VA, she has always been concerned about helping others and gaining knowledge.  Jacquelyn earned her BA in Administrative Sciences from Colby College, and her MBA in Finance from George Washington University.  Her professional career includes working with IBM, in the computer industry, and Mitel in the telecommunications industry.  She currently operates as Chair of the Board of Directors and Chief Operating Officer of her 55-year-old family business.

A student of life, she believes you grow by getting out of your comfort zone; one should learn something new every day.    She has researched self-health/improvement information and attended several seminars and workshops on these topics.  Her latest educational trek included several courses with the Robbins Research International, Inc.

Jacquelyn feels strongly about being a whole person, untiring her heart, soul, mind and strength.  While developing her personal, professional and spiritual lives, she does not forget her community.   She served as president of her homeowners’ association. As a member of the civic association, she successfully chaired the Zip code Change committee.  At Colby College, she served on the Alumni Council, Board of Visitors, and currently serves as her class president.

She gives God all the credit for what she does. She understands our time, talent and treasures all come from Him.  Her desire to be aligned with God’s plan for her life, motivates her to be a good steward; “for to whom much is given, much is required.” Her trust is in the Lord; she strongly believes God empowers her, and “God does all things well.”

Jacquelyn currently resides in the Washington Metropolitan area with her husband of 39 years.  They have one adult daughter and a preteen granddaughter.

Executive Board


Advisor: Mother Gloria Lewis

Marshal: Mother Gloria Lewis

District Missionary: Tami Miller

District Missionary: Dr. Debra Ann Davis 

District Missionary W/C: Mary Harris

District Missionary W/C:  Ruth Thomas

Evangelist Missionary: Winona Lewis Jones

(National Evangelist and Minister of Music Department)